An icon of a person crossing a bridge, representing transitional instruction

Transitional Instruction

The PWR Act establishes a new statewide system for transitional math and English instruction that increases college readiness for high school seniors and reduces remedial education needs.

A major barrier to postsecondary persistence and completion is remedial education, with students enrolling in remedial courses completing approximately 13% less of their courses compared to non-remedial peers, and having substantially lower outcomes related to graduation rate, advancement rate, and credit accumulation. Many Illinois high school graduates require remedial courses in math, reading, and communications courses. 

Illinois has established statewide implementation systems for transitional math and transitional English courses. Successful completion of these classes guarantees college-level placement for students who matriculate to Illinois community colleges and participating public universities. 

Key Resources

An overview of the three transitional math pathways established by the PWR Act and approved by the Illinois State Board of Education, Illinois Community College Board, and Illinois Board of Higher Education. This document also includes the competencies recommended by the committees of the Statewide Panel for Transitional Math, including process competencies for all three pathways related to mathematical and student success, and content competencies for each of the three pathways.

The Illinois State Board of Education, Illinois Community College Board, and Illinois Board of Higher Education have jointly agreed upon the course parameters, competencies, and related policies set forth in this document. These course parameters, competencies, and related policies will guide the local partnerships between high schools and colleges necessary for the successful implementation of transitional English instruction.

The PWR transitional math website centralizes resources from across state agencies.

Guidance and Implementation Supports

Conversations with five established Local Advisory Panels for transitional math have resulted in a document that is intended to provide guidance at all phases of establishing and running a Local Advisory Panel.

This resource shows Illinois universities’ current participation status and related placement processes for transitional math courses in two of these pathways – STEM and QL / Stats.

Download the syllabus and MOU templates, content competencies, and portability course submission form.

Download templates, samples, the submission worksheet, the modification form, syllabi, and competencies spreadsheets.

To support the implementation of transitional English, a statewide advisory group has been established in partnership with the Illinois State Board of Education, Illinois Community College Board, and Illinois Board of Higher Education. The group is comprised of secondary and postsecondary representatives who advise on professional development and curricular resources and review materials currently in use by communities implementing transitional English. This webpage hosts approved resources.

Access free sample units of instruction that can be edited by teachers to customize the content as needed.