Transitional English Curricular Resources

To support the implementation of transitional English, a statewide advisory group has been established in partnership with the Illinois State Board of Education, Illinois Community College Board, and Illinois Board of Higher Education. The group is comprised of secondary and postsecondary representatives who advise on professional development and curricular resources and review materials currently in […]

Transitional Math Competencies and Policies

An overview of the three transitional math pathways established by the PWR Act and approved by the Illinois State Board of Education, Illinois Community College Board, and Illinois Board of Higher Education. This document also includes the competencies recommended by the committees of the Statewide Panel for Transitional Math, including process competencies for all three […]

Transitional English Course Parameters and Competencies

The Illinois State Board of Education, Illinois Community College Board, and Illinois Board of Higher Education have jointly agreed upon the course parameters, competencies, and related policies set forth in this document. These course parameters, competencies, and related policies will guide the local partnerships between high schools and colleges necessary for the successful implementation of […]

ROE 47 Career Pathways

The Region Office of Education 47 website hosts information on regional pathways and participating schools.

Vienna High School Website

On Vienna High School’s website, students and families can view videos introducing each of the Career Pathways and access pathway-specific resources.